Why People Are Turning to Energy Drinks
Several factors can be identified as the reason energy drinks have become so popular. One reason can possibly be simple semantics. Many people interchange sports drinks with energy drinks, but they are markedly different, with the former being formulated specifically for enhanced performance during activity and the latter being designed to inject a burst of energy into the consumer.
But semantics alone can’t explain why energy drinks are on pace to outsell coffee in the next decade. The fact that it has the “cool” appeal is much more of a factor. While coffee still has the label of being for older individuals needing a morning boost to start their day, energy drinks have been able to tap into the Millennial market, creating buzz around college campuses and aligning themselves with a lifestyle that reflects the mobile and almost chaotic movements of this generation.
Organic Energy Drinks the New Craze
The surge in energy drink sales comes despite criticism of the beverages, namely the argument that they contain too much caffeine and sugar. However, recent
innovations now see brands incorporating organic options into their product lines, a move that could possibly shift energy drinks into the health sections.
The term “organic” on energy drink labels refers to the use of real coffee beans to infuse caffeine content rather than caffeine that’s been manufactured in a lab. Clean energy, along with diet and natural energy drink options, is another innovation that is meant to accommodate the growing cultural health awareness movement, wherein individuals are taking more control of their personal health.
The added focus towards appealing to the healthy consumer has opened up the market for energy drinks. This new dimension can potentially encourage the use of energy drinks by health-conscious consumers above just giving them a boost of energy.
About us:
Gymgum is the world’s first pre-workout chewing gum. In recent years, caffeine has been popping up in all kinds of sports fuels, from gels to chews. And the latest delivery method promises an even faster jolt: chewing gum. Gymgum was created by athletes for athletes. Gymgum has quickly risen to be one of the best pre-workouts , each gum contains 90mg of caffeine per piece, along with taurine (an amino acid found in meat and fish that supports
brain development).
So why is Gymgum the best pre-workout?
Due to Gymgum Being a chewing gum, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream straight through the lining of your cheeks. Plus, absorption through the skin has the potential to increase its bioavailability, giving you more oomph from fewer milligrams. Also, chewing any kind of gum has been shown to increase alertness, lower stress, and improve performance which is why Gymgum is such a good pre-workout / energy gum.
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By: David Klein